
One of the advantages of using the Angular CLI is that it automatically configures a number of useful tools that you can use right away. To get more details on the options for each task, use ng --help. Linting

ng lint lints the code in your project using tslint. You can customize the rules for your project by editing tslint.json. You can switch some of these to use your preferred tool by editing the scripts in package.json. Testing

ng test triggers a build and then runs the unit tests set up for your app using Karma. Use the --watch option to rebuild and retest the app automatically whenever source files change. Build

ng build will build your app (and minify your code) and place it into the default output path, dist/. Serve

ng serve builds and serves your app on a local server and will automatically rebuild on file changes. By default, your app will be served on http://localhost:4200/. Include --port [number] to serve your app on a different HTTP port. E2E

Once your app is served, you can run end-to-end tests using ng e2e. The CLI uses Protractor for these tests. Deploy

ng deploy deploys to GitHub pages or Firebase.

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